Fuerte is pear shaped and might have a thinner neck sometimes. The skin bruises easily but is smooth and thin. A medium sized seed can be found inside a fuerte avocado. Fuerte is the most popular and commonly known avocado.

A round and/or egg shaped fruit. A thick greenish skin that changes colour to purple and/or black when it is ripe. Once the fruit is soft it is overripe. The size of the seed found inside depends on the fruit size itself. It is rich and nutty in flavour.

Definite neck is noticeable with the Pinkerton variety. This variety stays green even when it is ripe. A thick rough skin that does not yield to pressure easily. The seed is medium to small. Slightly sweet in taste.

Ryan avocado is a egg shaped fruit with a slightly rough skin. Evergeen in colour even when it is ready to consume. A large seed can be found inside.